ESL & Word Languages

KGL specializes in developing and translating educational content and products for learners worldwide, leveraging decades of experience and a deep understanding of cultural sensitivities and market nuances to provide tailored solutions.

Full-Service Development for ESL/ELT/World Language Products

As a global communications company KGL creates educational content and products used by learners of all ages in markets, regions, and countries around the world. We have created, produced, and translated language products used across the U.S., Europe, Asia, Latin America, China, the Middle East, and Africa for decades. Our translation services are managed by learning experts that direct translators, bilingual reviewers, and QC specialists.

KGL maintains a worldwide network of native linguists and subject matter experts supported by comprehensive product development teams of translators, writers, editors, designers, media personnel, and production technicians. We include experts in learning pedagogy, language acquisition, and assessment processes to ensure the content we develop aligns to our client’s goals. Whether your project involves a from scratch native language development or translation from a source language product to one or multiple other languages we can deliver the results you expect.

KGL offers a sophisticated and meaningful background for translating and producing instruction and assessment content used by learners in specific markets. We bring a deep understanding of cultural sensitivities, market nuance, and localization needs to our clients when developing products for their markets around the globe.

The following are languages we offer translation services for:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Thai
  • Urdu
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese

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